Greenwood Lake Commission 10.22.2014 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 07480
Salute to the American Flag
Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 7:25pm. Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, and Bill Olsen were present. George Vurno, Ed Krull, and Floyd DeAngelo were absent. Dan Bello attended as a representative for the NJDEP.
Paul Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Paul Zarrillo seconded. Bill Olsen was unable to attend the last meeting, and abstained. The rest of the Commission voted to pass the minutes.
Eric Hastings delivered the treasurers report. The total sum of funds in the Commission's bank accounts totals approximately 16,700.34 dollars in the New Jersey bank and 14,448.76 in the New York bank. The New York bank account however is earmarked for reports and projects. An accountant has been hired to go back and manage the financial records from the Commission, and by next meeting Paul Zarrillo reported that the Commission would have updated all past records.
There were three bills given to the Commission for utility payments which included water, heat, and electricity. The bills totaled 106.77 dollars. Bill Olsen made a motion to pay the bills, Paul Zarrillo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Paul Zarrillo gave an update on the dispute between the landlord of the office located on Greenwood Turnpike over payment for the repairs to a water heater which was damaged as a result of freezing pipes. The Commission contends that the heater did not work prior to the damage and feels that the landlord is responsible for the cost of the repairs. Paul Sullivan made a motion to pay the bill, Eric Hastings seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Eric Hastings reported that the protocol for the Morohan grant has changed, this grant was specifically being used to fund the project in the NY section of the lake by HydroQual. The change has resulted in a delay in the payment to HydroQual, as the Commission needs to reapply for the grant. The qualification status for Greenwood Lake has not changed, however the necessary paperwork must be processed before the funds from the grant can be given to the Commission.
Paul Sullivan reported on talks with Ed Farmer about grants the Commission would be able to attain. Specifically in regards to monitoring sediment in Belcher's Creek and the status of invasive species of weeds in the lake. Clint Smith commented that a possible avenue for funds could be found by opening talks with the Open Space Committee in Passaic County. The Commission is also looking into the possibility and effectiveness of man made floating islands which contain plant life, which would absorb excess phosphorus in the lake. Eric Hastings also brought up the possibility of a wall which could be placed in Belcher's creek that would allow water and boats to pass through, while collected excess sediment.
Paul Zarrillo also reported that floating island and stumps by Fox island and Latitude 41 and Sportsman Marina is up and presenting a hazard to safety. The Commission is requesting the Marine State Police officially declare it a hazard and assist the Commission in there removal.
Paul Zarrillo reported that the Commission is going to turn on heat in the office now that the system is fixed on Nov. 1st, and that a 388 dollar security deposit was required. Paul Zarrillo also reported on the utilities cost for the Commission, which he estimated would total approximately $300 dollars per month.
Paul Zarrillo discussed with the officials from the Lake Hopatcong Foundation to discuss the possibility of the GWLC being declared a 501(c)3 in order to raise funds through charitable donations, and well as events such as raffles and other types of fundraising, they plan to meet soon for further discussion.
Paul Zarrillo gave an update on the memorandum of understanding with the Township of West Milford about transferring the ownership of the weed harvesters to the town. The town has requested documentation from Motor Vehicle, which includes the title and bill of sales. Paul Zarrillo has been working the Motor Vehicle to receive the necessary documentation and hopes to have it within the next week.
A PowerPoint Presentation from Allied Biological is scheduled for the next meeting of the Commission, however concerns have arisen over the amount of space required to do so. Bill Olsen will be coordinating with Jesse Dwyer about moving the meeting location to a more suitable location.
Dan Bello reported that the water levels in the lake are low due to lack of rain, and a test of the dam which resulted in the dam remaining open longer than expected. Dan Bello also reported that the DEP is in possession of a report by HydroQual about dredging the entire lake. Clint Smith brought up that in 2013, 67 wood pallets, 55 ten gallon drums, and 10 shopping cards were removed from the lake last year. Clint Smith plans on talking with the nearby stores to ensure they do not inadvertently dump more materials into the lake. Eric Hastings asked Dan Bello if the DEP would allow homeowners to dredge 30 yards out from the property line into the lake, as opposed to the current maximum of 10 yards.
The chemicals used the lake to control the weeds this year proved effective, but other options are still being explored. One option is the use of sonar herbicides, which would be more effective but more restrictive as well.
The Commission brought up concerns again about the possibility of the town lifting a septic pump out ordinance, and has brought these concerns to Princeton Hydro, the company that has implemented various grants and studies for the commission and West Milford. The Commission plans to invite representatives from Princeton Hydro to a meeting with the town council to discuss the matter further.
Paul Zarrillo reported on the need for the Commission to form committees in order to better organize the commission.
The meetings in the next two months fall on or near major holidays so as per the advise of the public the November meeting will be held on Tuesday November 25th and preceded by a power point presentation from Allied Biological regarding the Prism/ Aquatic Weed study, and the December meeting will be canceled due to its typical low turnout.
Paul Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Eric Hastings seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:54pm. Our next meeting will be November 25th at 7pm, in the Elks Lodge, located at 35 Chestnut Street in the Village of Greenwood Lake. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website, emailing us at, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.