Greenwood Lake Commission 3/25/2015 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 07480
Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Legal Public Notice law and noted that we were in compliance before roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, George Vurno, Paul Sullivan, Dale Van Nimwegen, Michael Flagherty, and Floyd DeAngelo were in attendance. Ed Krull, Dan Bello, and Bill Link were absent
Orange County Legislator Barrey Cheney attended the meeting, along with Lou Signorino from the West Milford Town Council, and Andrew Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission.
Paul Zarrillo began reading the Commission's correspondence since their last meeting in February 2015. Passaic County has approved $20,000 for the Commission to be used as discretionary funds for the Commission. In response, Zarrillo sent a letter to the Passaic County Administrator Tony DeNova as well as the Board of Chosen Freeholders thanking them for their support.
Zarrillo followed by reporting that the Commission, in conjunction with the Township of West Milford applied for the 319 H Grant; this grant is meant to be used to monitor and control pollution within Greenwood Lake. The status of the application is pending. Zarrillo also added that another grant designed to maintain and create open access points was being pursued by the Greenwood Lake Commission, but additional information is needed to see if the Commission would qualify for the grant.
Zarrillo also sent a letter to Senator Kevin O'Toole, as well as Senator Pennacchio, Assemblyman Webber, Assemblywoman DeCroce, as well as the Township of West Milford and the Village of Greenwood Lake regarding a bill consolidating the Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation, North Jersey District Water Supply Commission, and Passaic Valley Water Commission. The letter sent by the Commission stated the consolidation of these programs was a good idea, but reiterated the concerns over the tax burden of West Milford residents who protect and supply the watershed without receiving any compensation and requested a solution be presented in the legislation. The Commission also stated concerns over the make up of the committee charged with consolidating the programs, and wanted stakeholders to be present on the committee.
Zarrillo received a notice from the West Milford Planning Board about a project around the Shop Rite, and gave a copy of the project to the Commission and invited us to make comments on the plan.
Zarrillo closed the correspondence portion of the meeting by reading aloud a letter from a concerned citizen sent to Mayor Dwyer of the Village of Greenwood Lake, The Greenwood Lake Commission, and Village Building Department, and the Warwick Valley Dispatch. The letter was in regards to a bonfire which was held on the ice of Greenwood Lake. The citizen, Thomas Tudhill wrote to complain of the leftover remnants of the bonfire on the lake. The letter specifically mentioned that the person who held the bonfire was Eric Hastings of the Greenwood Lake Commission. Paul Zarrillo noticing Mr. Tudhill in the audience invited him to speak and opened the public portion of the meeting.
Thomas Tudhill of the Village of Greenwood Lake re-addressed his concerns to the Commission, and voiced concerns that the debris will not be adequately cleaned. Eric Hastings reassured Mr. Tudhill that he and his friends who participated in the bonfire had cleaned a majority of the debris and plan on clearing the rest before the ice melts. Eric Hastings also commented that the wood used from the bonfire was collected from several downed trees which would have needed to be removed from the lake regardless. Paul Zarrillo followed up by mentioning that the NYDEC had visited the site and did not consider the matter to be urgent or a hazard, and also mentioned that while the Commission does not advocate for regular bonfires on the lake, Eric Hastings did not violate any laws or regulations by creating the bonfire. Paul Sullivan followed by thanking Eric for cleaning the debris and addressing the situation, and congratulated him for creatively disposing of several downed trees. Dale VanNimwegen moved that the discussion be tabled as the legal implications had been addressed and that the matter was personal dispute and not Commission business. Mr. Tudhill concluded by thanking the Commission for their time.
Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's Report. Dale reported that the Commission had completed uploading all of its information to Quickbooks, and that we are making progress consolidating the two accounts in New York and New Jersey. Dale did report however that she still needs to complete a final meeting with previous accountant retained by the Commission to acquire missing documents lost during a burst pipe in our office. Dale did note that while we are still required to maintain records of which state monies were received and can be used in, consolidating the accounts would create a more streamline system. Floyd DeAngelo asked if the Commission had records of funds received from Orange County, New York over the last 15 years. Dale said that she believed the previous accountant had that information. Clint Smith also commented that Ella Fillapone, the former NJ Co-Chair had several boxes of records in her personal office which may be of some use. Zarillo and Dale arranged a time to retrieve the boxes.
Dale then presented several bills to the Commission, which included $1000 for accounting services, $3100 to Aquarius Systems for repairs to a weed harvester, and a gas bill of roughly $300. Paul Zarrillo opened the floor to a vote on the payment of bills.
Resolution: Payment of Bills, March 25th 2015
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Clint Smith Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Paul then asked for a vote to approve the minutes from the last meeting.
Resolution: Approval of Minutes for Commission meeting in February 25th, 2015 Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen Seconded: Paul Sullivan
Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link
Dale Van Nimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Dale VanNimwegen followed up by giving her regular report. Dale confirmed that all Commissioners now have an email for public record, and then passed around the template for the new business cards and new brochures for the Commission. Dale also reported that she had been in contact with John Hardy, who is our contact for the boat races held last year on Greenwood Lake. She asked the Commission if she could invite him to speak to the Commission and collaborate for the boat races. Dale also reported that Carol Hardy from the West Milford MUA was interested in speaking to us as well. The Commission was open to both ideas and are coordinating a time where they can be present at a public meeting.
Floyd DeAngelo reported that the Village of Greenwood Lake will be applying herbicides to the lake this year, and that the cost is already accounted for in their budget which was recently approved. Floyd also reported that the mandatory notice, which must be sent before 21 days was sent out early to ensure all the residents are properly notified.
Eric Hastings reported that recently a known source of sewage which fed into Belcher's Creek was closed off, and that the water quality and flow had noticeably improved. Eric also reported that parts and equipment for the weed harvester being stored at Awosting was being recovered. Lou Signorino from the West Milford Town Council jumped in and expressed a continuing concern regarding the registration of the weed harvester and its trailer. Dale VanNimwegen knew of a professional who could assist in acquiring the necessary registration, and would assist finding the original serial numbers and other documentation.
Dan Bello was not in attendance, but did report to the Commission that he was following up on several questions regarding drawdown procedures on Greenwood Lake. Michael Flagherty from the NYDEC followed up with a question regarding dock permits and reported that if the dock held less than 5 boats and was no larger than 4000 square feet there was no permit required.
Paul Zarrillo opened his report by answering a question asked by several people on the lake regarding the water levels, and if the dam could be opened more to let the water level drop. Paul had contacted the proper officials who told him that the dam was not used for flood control, and it could not be raised or lowered over concerns of water level. Paul also reported that he has been communicating with Ken Gabbert the Administrator for the Township of West Milford, as well as the West Milford Health Department regarding the status of the septic pump out ordinance, but have yet to hear back. Andrew Abdul commented that the West Milford Environmental Commission will be receiving water testing equipment from the Township of West Milford to be used on Greenwood Lake and other lakes in West Milford. Zarrillo followed by expressing concerns he had over the condition of the office after several flooding incidents, and requested permission from the Commission to hire a service to clean the carpet and remove any mildew or mold which could become a health concern. The Commission agreed to hire a service. Zarrillo also reported that he had followed up with the Coast Guard concerning the Commission hosting boat safety classes. Zarrillo confirmed that the Commission will be conducting a class on May 17th at the West Milford Airport from 9am-4:30pm. Zarrillo also reported that he followed up with Drew and Montclair University about allowing the students to conduct studies on Greenwood Lake. Zarrillo shared an email sent by a representative from Drew University containing information regarding studies conducted by students at Lake Hopatcong. Zarrillo brought up a concern voiced to him by a resident of Fox Island regarding beavers who have caused several trees to fall on their property. Zarrillo inquired as to a possible solution, but the issue needed to be solved by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; Zarrillo did forward contact information to the resident of Fox Island and altered the Department of Fish and Wildlife about the issue. Zarrillo also voiced his concerns over several stumps and floating islands on the lake, and wanted to acquire an estimate of the cost of removing these hazards; the Commission agreed that it should be addressed. Zarrillo also mentioned the urgency with which the fanwort and water chestnuts needed to be addressed in Greenwood Lake. The Commission discussed the importance of removing the water chestnuts and fanwort in the east arm of the lake, and decided a plan should be developed. Zarrillo concluded by sharing several discussions he had with various officials regarding the Commission's attendance at the Autumn Lights Festival, Air Show, and Boat Races in West Milford, as well as the annual Passaic County Fair. The Commission believed there should be a presence at all of these events and will be following up with each.
George Vurno made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Eric Hastings seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm. Our next meeting will be April 22nd at 7pm, in the Senior Center located in the Village of Greenwood Lake. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website, emailing us at, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.