May 2015 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission 5/27/2015 1480 Union Valley Rd. West Milford, NJ 07480

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.


The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Legal Public Notice law and noted that we were in compliance before roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Paul Sullivan, Dale Van Nimwegen, and Bill Link, Michael Flagherty, and Floyd DeAngelo were in attendance. Ed Krull, George Vurno, and Dan Bello were absent.


In attendance at this meeting was Jesse Dwyer, the Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake. JL Buckheit, the Village attorney was also present. Carol Hardy from the MUA also attended in order to give a presentation to the Commission.


Dale VanNimwegen introduced Carol Hardy of the MUA (Municipal Utilities Authority). Dale stated that the Commissioners believed many of its goals are also in line with the MUA, and felt it worth reaching out to the MUA in hopes gaining an understanding of septic tanks and local regulations, and possibly cooperating to prevent and solve and issues that could affect Greenwood Lake and the Watershed.

Carol Hardy of the MUA presented information to the Commission regarding the number of septic tanks in the area of Greenwood Lake, and fail rate, and the obstacles the MUA faces. The MUA highlighted their lack of funding, 91 billion dollars was needed to update, repair, and expand in order to adequately perform its duties but only 36 billion dollars was given, leaving the MUA short handed. There are approximately 10,000 households in West Milford, but only 1700 are served by the MUA. Of these remaining 8,300 household who have septic tanks 1080 were inspected, and 186 of them failed according to a report from the Township of West Milford. The Commission has been concerned for many months about enforcing regulations requiring owners to repair and maintain their septic systems, which would reduce the amount of phosphorus entering Greenwood Lake. The West Milford Environmental Commission agreed to partner with the MUA in monitoring Belcher's Creek. Several Commissioners are scheduled to be trained to use water monitoring equipment, and agreed to share this information with the MUA. At 8:02pm the regular meeting began.


Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's Report. Dale reported that the Commission had $16, 300 in the New Jersey Lakeland Bank account, and $18,269 in the New York Sterling account. Most of the money in the New York account was a partial payment of $14,200 from New York for expenses covered by the Morohan Grant. There is still $13,800 in the grant which the Commission is working to obtain. The expenses of the grant were covered by the Village of Greenwood Lake until the remaining funds were acquired from the Morohan Grant. Mayor Jesse Dwyer and the Commission agreed that the $14,200 in the account from the Morohan Grant should be given before the end of the meeting.

Resolution: Payment of $14,200 to the Village of Greenwood Lake

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen Seconded: Paul Sullivan Name Yes (X) No (-) Abstained (_) Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale VanNimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Paul Zarrillo then asked for a vote to approve the minutes from the last meeting.

Resolution: Approval of Minutes for Commission meeting in April 22nd, 2015 Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale Van Nimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X




Floyd DeAngelo reported to the Commission that he had spoken with Steve Brescher, the Chairman of the County Legislator in Orange County and inquired about the status of possible funds for the Greenwood Lake Commission, Steve Brescher assured him that he was working on it. Floyd also reported that the Town of Warwick has given the Commission $4000.

Eric Hastings reported on his progress in attempting to alter the current regulations regarding dredging personal property during the drawdown. The current regulation permits only 10 yards and prohibits mechanical assistance. Eric Hasting's goal is to increase the distance to 35 yards and ease the restrictions on using professional equipment to conduct the dredge. Eric also reported that the weed harvester had been in the lake for 1 week on the race course for the power boat races scheduled to take place June 6th and 7th. Mayor Jesse Dwyer commented that it would be ideal if West Milford applied herbicides to the New Jersey side of the lake in conjunction with the Village.

Bill Link reported that he had reached out to Eric Pain from the Ringwood State Park regarding the water level in Greenwood Lake. The level has been low and Bill inquired about the amount of water that needs to be taken each day from the lake. The Commission agreed to send a letter to Eric Pain requesting that barring any extenuating circumstances that only the minimum amount of water be released from the dam in order to maintain a more constant water level for Greenwood Lake.

Resolution: Request that minimum amount of water be taken from Greenwood Lake. Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale Van Nimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Paul Sullivan reported that members of the West Milford Environmental Commission have been trained and approved to train others in the use of water monitoring equipment that is planned to be purchased by the Township of West Milford. The Environmental Commission plans on training the members of the Greenwood Lake Commission to use this equipment.

Paul Zarrillo reported that the boat safety course was very successful, there were 18 participants in total, and the Commission netted $560. The Commission is considering hosting another course in August and next February to be annual events, and hopes to host them regularly throughout the year. Paul also invited the Coast Guard Auxiliary to conduct a boat safety inspection on Greenwood Lake, the Commission and Coast Guard Auxiliary hope to have one in July.

Paul reported that the Greenwood Lake Commission will be participating in several public events over the summer including the Airshow, the Passaic County Fair, the Boat Races, and the Autumn Lights Festival. Paul also reported that he, along with Dale VanNimwegen had updated brochures which the Commission distributes to the local marinas and local businesses, and plans to use these at the events mentioned above.

Paul reported that he wished to conduct a stump removal project and wanted to pursue and estimates for the purpose of obtaining funding for the project, the Commission agreed.


Paul read aloud some correspondence received by the Commission. Verizon has notified that they plan to build a cell phone tower in an empty lot near Greenwood Lake located at 325 Lakeshore Drive.

Paul also reported that a professor from Drew University had been in contact with him, and that they are interested in doing a study on Greenwood Lake tallying the number of houses on the lake, the number of docks, dock length, and the number of boats that can be docked. A professor from Montclair University has also been in contact with the Commission to see where they could work and they are very interested in volunteering time to develop a program on Greenwood Lake. Paul plans on meeting with representatives from both Universities to take tours on the lake.


Keith Garley commented that the geese problem this year was especially bad and was concerned that the added droppings would lead to an increase in phosphorus in Greenwood Lake. The Commission is exploring humane options to address the issue. Keith was also concerned as were others, with the amount of “floaters” or cut weeds that were making their way to the shore line on the New York side of the lake. After much discussion it was determined that the only solutions available were herbicide treatments or dredging, and cost would be a strong factor for each option, especially dredging.

Paul Zarrillo made a motion to close the meeting, Bill Link seconded. The meeting ended at 9:41pm. Our next meeting will be June 24th at 7pm, in the Greenwood Lake Senior Center. If you needed to contact us you may do so you by visiting our website, emailing us at, or calling our office at 973-506-7800.