December Meeting Minutes 2015

Greenwood Lake Commission
132 Windermere Ave.
Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm. George Vurno read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance, Paul Zarrillo also commented that the Drawdown notice was sent to WM77 TV and WGHT-1500, and all papers. George Vurno then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, George Vurno, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Bill Link, Ed Krull and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Dan Bello and Martin Brand were absent, but Eric Payne from the NJDEP was given rights as an alternate for Dan Bello and sat in his place.

Special Guests
Village of Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dwyer

Treasurer's Report

Dale VanNimwegen presented the Treasurer's report. Dale reported that the NY Sterling Bank account was unchanged since last meeting at $3,000 and the NJ Lakeland Bank account had $11,000. Dale reported that the Commission's bills, other than $225 of standard utilities also included the Directors and Officers insurance as well as the informational brochures which were billed at cost, totaling $1000 and $500 respectively. $100 was also taken out of petty cash for a projector to be used for presentations at our meetings. Dale also handed out an estimate of yearly expenditures for the GWLC, which totaled $17, 370. $7300 of which was spent on office space and utilities. Dale believed the Commission should consider forgoing the office space which sees very little foot traffic in favor of a less expensive storage space for our files. Dale also commented that this move would be prudent as many storage lockers come with climate control and the likely hood of burst pipes which has plagued the Commission in the past, would be reduced. Paul Sullivan commented that we still have no commitment of funds from either state; Dale added that even with funding that she believed forgoing the office should be considered.

Dale also reported that she found $6200 of invoices which she believes may be applicable to the Morohan Grant which has $27,500 left, but is awaiting word from New York. She also said that Kevin Keane from HDR had contacted the Commission again regarding an unpaid bill of $15,000. Ed Krull vehemently believes that we have already paid that bill. Dale assured the Commission that she would address the issue and search for the transaction record for that bill. Vurno then asked for a motion to pay the bills, and for approval of the minutes, with an amendment correcting the vote tally by the public during our public hearing on the drawdown from 6 to 7.
Resolution: Payment of Bills, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: Paul Sullivan
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

Resolution: Approval of Minutes, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: Paul Sullivan
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

Commissioner Reports

Paul Zarrillo gave his report to the Commission. He reported that he, along with Dale had met with representatives from Lake Hopatcong about moving forward with the 501c3. The purpose of the meeting was to study the ways Lake Hopatcong raises funds, which primarily consist of events and fundraisers. Paul Sullivan asked what kind of events they host, Zarrillo said they host an annual gala along with various low key events such as BBQs and sponsored trail hikes around the lake. Zarrillo also reported that the people from MSU were unable to attend this meeting in order to give a presentation of a study they conducted on the lake, but plan to attend next meeting. He also reported that the NJDEP has given us a formal letter stating that a residential blanket permit for dock maintenance, such as the one the NY side of the lake has could be obtained for the NJ side of the lake, but an entity must cover the cost upfront. Zarrillo is hopeful but not optimistic that West Milford would be able to do so.

Floyd DeAngelo reported that they are still having no luck acquiring funds from Orange County, NY.

Bill Link handed a diagram to the Commissioners of amount of water exiting the dam found from the NJDEP website. On this diagram he pointed out where the previous drawdown began and ended, and how long it took for the lake to refill. Last drawdown the water level did not rise quickly and part of the boating season was lost. Bill did comment that the weather not in our control but the unpredictability of the drawdown concerned him. Eric Payne was asked when the dam was lowered, and how long it took the water to fall 5 feet. Eric answered that the gate was lowered October 11th, and the water level did not lower to drawdown level until Jan 18th, however there was an exceptional amount of rainfall during that time, approximately 14.5 inches, and this delayed the lowering of the water level.


The Commission began discussing the drawdown. Paul Sullivan stated that while he saw the need for a drawdown he would vote against it without assurance that we could stop releasing water as early as January 1st and/or the dam be lowered earlier in the year.

Floyd DeAngelo believed that despite that events during the last drawdown, the owner of Sportsman's Marina who spoke at the public hearing, said his boating season wasn't greatly affected. Floyd reaffirmed his vote in favor of the drawdown, and strongly felt that voting against it would be a disservice to the public.

Ed Krull commented that he would like to see the dam raised on January 1st in order to protect the boating season, he would vote in favor regardless. He also commented that he believed those who are voting against the drawdown are doing so for selfish reasons.

Eric Hastings commented that the water management plan allowed the Commission to cancel the drawdown in the case of a drought or another weather calamity. Eric is also concerned about the people who began prep work for maintenance they plan on doing during the drawdown.

Paul Zarrillo commented that the public voted 18 to 3 in favor of the drawdown.

The Commission asked Eric Payne what flexibility we have in controlling the dam during the drawdown, and if the Commission wanted to change the date of the opening/closing of the dam would require rewriting the plan. Rewriting the plan would require the Commission to hold another 2 public hearings on the drawdown.

Paul Sullivan pointed out that our bylaws require 8 votes to pass the drawdown, and only 9 Commissioners were present not including Eric Payne who plans on abstaining from the vote. Paul Sullivan made a motion to table to vote on the drawdown.

Resolution: Table the vote on the Drawdown, December 2015

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Dale VanNimwegen
Vote: In favor (4) - Against (5)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair N
George Vurno Co-Chair N
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull N
Floyd DeAngelo N
Eric Hastings N
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand)

The Commission was then asked to do a vote on the drawdown as the water management dictates.

Resolution: Conduct the drawdown according to the water level management plan, December 2015

Motioned by: Eric Hastings
Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo
Vote: In favor (5) - Against (4)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan N
Clint Smith N
Bill Link N
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Abstained
DEC (Martin Brand) Absent

In light of this Dale motioned that the drawdown be discussed and re-voted on next meeting.

Resolution: Re-examine drawdown at next meeting, December 2015

Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen
Seconded: George Vurno
Vote: In favor (9) - Against (0)
Name Yes (Y) No (N) Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair Y
George Vurno Co-Chair Y
Paul Sullivan Y
Clint Smith Y
Bill Link Y
Dale VanNimwegen Y
Ed Krull Y
Floyd DeAngelo Y
Eric Hastings Y
DEP (Eric Payne) Y
DEC (Martin Brand) Absent

After some more debate, including the vote needed to adjourn the meeting, Floyd DeAngelo made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20. Dale seconded, all voted in favor.