June 2016 Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
132 Windermere Ave
Greenwood Lake, NY

Start Time: 7:02PM
Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

Paul Zarrillo read aloud the open public meeting law:
Present: Paul Zarrillo, Eric Hastings, Dan Bello, Michael Flaherty, Floyd DeAngelo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Dale VanNimwegen
Absent: Ed Krull, George Vurno
Special Guests: Orange County Legislator Barry Cheney, Andy Abdul, of the West Milford Environmental Commission, Village of Greenwood Lake Judge Keith Garley, and Mayor of the Village of Greenwood Lake Jesse Dwyer
Approval of Minutes: 1 change - In Commissioner Flaherty's report, the links on the NYDEC website regarding drawdown procedure were not posted at that time but were,"going to be posted."
Resolution: Approval of minutes from May 2016.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Floyd DeAngelo
Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen X
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Treasurer's Report: Attached
Correspondence: The Commission sent a letter to The Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders regarding the vacant building in Ringwood that used to belong to the Passaic River Coalition, and asked if we could reside in it. They have yet to respond.
Sent a letter to NJDEP Commissioner Martin, CC'D local representatives regarding their statutory responsibility to oversee the lake, and believed it was their obligation to assist in the removal of floating islands and stumps. They have yet to respond.
• The request to approve the drawdown from the NJDEP has moved to the second step.
• Dan is being reassigned to Hunterdon County for the next several months, but Eric Pain as his alternate will fill in.
• Drawdown information will be up on the NYDEC within a week.
• Followed up with NY invasive species week, and confirmed it is July 10th-`16th
• Warwick check for $4000 has been received and deposited.
• We are still working with Orange County to acquire funds.
• Eric Hastings reported that he has been on the lake since the last meeting and has pulled out a significant amount of Styrofoam from the lake since the last meeting but is concerned about the amount that is still present. He and his neighbors are cleaning up the area around their homes the best they can.
• No report
• Reported that he met with Senator Pennachio who asked the about the status of the condition, but later learned that he was sent a letter the Senator, and requested that he be made aware in the future.
• Also reported that he has noticed a reduction in the trash and pollution along the lake.
• Reported that he was discussing the possibility of retaining a grant writer in order to secure a greater number of grants. We are looking into it further and gathering quotes.
• Reported that several representatives of the State Police has been patrolling GWL since memorial day and plan on patrolling until Labor Day.
• Awaiting word from the NJDEP for funding to remove floating islands and reduce stumps.
• Had a meeting with a professional finance manager who lived on the lake who was also interested in helping or possibly running the Watershed Management District 501c3, and would help fund raise for projects on the lake.
• Dale passed around the Treasurer's Report. A copy will be attached to the minutes.
• Dale reported that our Directors and Officers insurance has been paid in full
• No news on Morohan Grant.
Jesse - June 29th is when Village will be using Aquathol K. Including north of the 7/8th bridge. 24 hours until safe to swim, eat fish.
Passive Boat Launch goes out to bid later this month.
Got complaints about the dead fish, and believes it was the purge caused by rapidly changing water temperatures.
Fireworks will be on July 3rd.
John Buckeit - Would aid getting help from the Army Corps for Engineers. He also has become aware of a grant program, If watershed is connected to American Water Inc, then there are grant opportunities that exist.
Paul Sullivan motioned to adjourn the meeting, Eric Hastings seconded to close meeting closed at 8:27 PM. All were in favor.
The next meeting of the GWLC will be July 27th at 1810 Macopin Road in West Milford, NJ.
Website: GWLC.org
Phone: 973-506-7800
Email: info@gwlc.org